Friday, August 3, 2012

Final Thoughts

I think this was a great way to take an English class. Even though, we have never seen each other in real life, we were still able to interact with the professor and other classmates quite easily. I liked the fact that everything was through the computer, because I would much rather work on my laptop over handwriting things. This was a great class and hopefully I will be able to take more like it in the future. So, in conclusion, I would like to thank Professor Butts for putting this all together and making it a relatively painless course.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Writing process video


When it comes to reality, I like to say it is in the eye of the beholder. any opinion, thought, or experience I have is exclusively mine and I may or may not share it with others. Anything that I can see, be it physically or mentally, is reality to me. Anything experienced is reality. Who is to say that I can't experience fighting a dragon? It can happen... in my mind or through another source like a movie or a video game. This is why I love movies so much, because they extend reality to any imaginable extent.


For my speech on organization, I am choosing to talk about my favorite movie of the summer, Prometheus. Ridley Scott hit it out of the park with his prequel to the Alien franchise. If you have not seen the movie I do not recommend you read any further. *Spoiler Alert!* The way this movie is organized is that it begins with a flashback of a humanoid that sacrifices itself in order to create more life on a planet. The next scenes depict humans searching ancient artifacts and cave drawings that all seem to point to a certain planet, which they believe will hold the answers to the creation of life on Earth. So, they head out to this planet hoping for answers. What they find out is that they were actually products of these humanoids, but they were planning on destroying the human race two thousand years ago (about the time Jesus was crucified *dun dun dun*). Now, still curious, these people are asking more questions and want to know why they were planning on being destroyed. In the process they eventually release the weapon of their destruction.... the alien xenomorph! So, basically through a series of causes and effects, the humans find out the answers they never would have wanted to know.

If you enjoyed the movie check out these explanations and fan theories, they're awesome.

Websites that Do and Don't Suck

First off is my website that does not suck, It is a music blog website that is dedicated to sharing free music to fans of the Electronic, Bass, and Hip hop genres. Each post contains the song name and artist in the title, A picture, a short paragraph describing the song, a download link, and a mini player where you can listen to said song. It is simple and gets the job done. I frequent this site a good bit because I am an avid hunter of new songs and artists, plus I love electronic and bass music.

Now, a website that does suck is our very own Clemson blackboard homepage. It clusters together so many things that every time I log in, I have no clue where to go. I end up having to close all of the bubbles except for the only one I ever use, which is the link to my courses. I have literally never used any of the other bubbles in my career at Clemson. It also looks quite outdated. It seems like it was one of the very first webpages made after the invention of the internet. It needs to be updated.

Cover Story

The cover story I chose, which comes from Sports Illustrated, is about the Penn State football cover up scandal. On the cover, we see the words "WE WERE PENN STATE", a play on the prideful motto, "We are (insert team name here)". They have replaced "are" with "were" because the recent events that took place within the program have left it virtually without Identity. They have been sanctioned to the fullest and this cover displays it through the use of past tense. It is saying that everything the program has built has just been crushed. Within the story itself, it says of the events, "The worst scandal in the history of college sports led the NCAA to impose harsh and unprecedented penalties on the Nittany Lions."It goes on to speak of the result of the scandal and sanctions by saying, "What's left is a legacy in ashes, a program in shambles and a community in disbelief."

Wolff, Alexander. "Is This the End for Penn State?" Sports Illustrated July 2012. 38-41.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nature Walk

Today I took a walk at a nature preserve. It is a piece of rhetoric towards the wellbeing of nature near a local river. It has a couple nice walking paths meandering through patches of meadows and wooded areas. It is pretty beautiful and does indeed make me appreciate nature more in its unspoiled state.